Aquila and Priscilla

Aquila and Priscilla
Aquila and Priscilla
Jewish tentmakers, who left Rome in the Jewish persecution under Claudius, 49 or 50, and settled in Corinth

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Aquila and Priscilla
    Aquila and Priscilla
     Catholic_Encyclopedia Aquila and Priscilla
    (Or Prisca.)
    Jewish tentmakers, who left Rome (Aquila was a native of Pontus) in the Jewish persecution under Claudius, 49 or 50, and settled in Corinth, where they entertained St. Paul, as being of their trade, on his first visit to the town (Acts, 18:1f.). The time of their conversion to the Faith is not known. They accompanied St. Paul to Ephesus (Acts, 18:18-19), instructed the Alexandrian Apollo, entertained the Apostle Paul at Ephesus for three years, during his third missionary journey, kept a Christian church in their house (I Cor., 16:19), left Ephesus for Rome, probably after the riot stirred up by the silversmith Demetrius (Acts, 19:24-40), kept in Rome also a church in their house (Rom., 16:3-5), but soon left that city, probably on account of the persecution of Nero, and settled again at Ephesus (II Tim., 4:l9). The Roman Martyrology commemorates them on 8 July. It is not known why Scripture several times names Priscilla before Aquila; the different opinions are given by Cornely, (Rom., 772). A number of modern difficulties based on the frequent change of residence of Aquila and Priscilla are treated by Cornely, (Rom., 16:3-5).
    HAGEN, Lexicon Biblicum (Paris, 1905); LE CAMUS in VIG., Dict. de la Bible (Paris, 1895); KLOSS and KAULEN in Kirchenlex. (Freiburg, 1882).
    J. MAAS
    Transcribed by the Cloistered Dominican Nuns of the Monastery of the Infant Jesus, Lufkin, Texas Dedicated to an increase in vocations to the religious life

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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