Racine, Jean

Racine, Jean
Racine, Jean
Brief biography of the seventeenth-century dramatist

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • RACINE, JEAN° — (1639–1699), French tragic dramatist. Racine s reputation rests on nine tragedies in Alexandrine verse written between 1667 and 1691. There is no record of his having any personal knowledge of Jews, but the heroine s speech in Esther (1689) makes …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Racine, Jean de — Racine, Jean de, der französische Euripides, sowohl in Auffassung und Darstellung der Charaktere, als in der sanften Süßigkeit und dem duftigen Schmelz der Sprache, der über seine besten Dichtungen ausgegossen ist. Schon in frühester Jugend hegte …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • Racine, Jean — ▪ French dramatist Introduction in full  Jean baptiste Racine  baptized December 22, 1639, La Ferté Milon, France died April 21, 1699, Paris  French dramatic poet and historiographer renowned for his mastery of French classical tragedy. His… …   Universalium

  • Racine, Jean — (1639 1699)    dramatist    Considered the greatest writer of French classical tragedy, Jean Racine was born in La Ferté Milon, the son of a tax official. orphaned at an early age, he was raised and educated at the Jansenist convent of Port Royal …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • RACINE, JEAN —    great French tragic poet, born at La Ferté Milon, in the dep. of Aisne; was educated at Beauvais and the Port Royal; in 1663 settled in Paris, gained the favour of Louis XIV. and the friendship of Boileau, La Fontaine, and Molière, though he… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Racine, Jean (-Baptiste) — (baptized Dec. 22, 1639, La Ferté Milon, France died April 21, 1699, Paris) French playwright. Orphaned at an early age, he was educated in a Jansenist convent, and he chose drama in defiance of his upbringing. His first play was produced by… …   Universalium

  • Racine, Jean (-Baptiste) — (bautizado 22 dic. 1639, La Ferté Milon, Francia–21 abr. 1699, París). Dramaturgo francés. Huérfano a temprana edad, se educó en un convento jansenista. Posteriormente escogió la dramaturgia como una expresión de rebeldía ante su educación. Su… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Racine,Jean Baptiste — Ra·cine (rə sēnʹ, rä ), Jean Baptiste. 1639 1699. French playwright. The greatest tragedian of the French classical period, he based his works, such as Britannicus (1669) and Phèdre (1677), on classical Greek and Roman themes. * * * …   Universalium

  • Racine, Jean — ► (1639 99) Poeta trágico francés. Fue protegido de Luis XIV. Alexandre le Grand fue, en 1665, su primer gran éxito. Fue miembro de la Academia Francesa en 1673. Sus tragedias son de gran intensidad dramática, por el acertado y veraz juego de las …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Jean Racine — (IPA fr|ʒɑ̃ ʁaˈsin) (December 22, 1639 ndash; April 21, 1699) was a French dramatist, one of the big three of 17th century France (along with Molière and Corneille), and one of the most important literary figures in the Western tradition. Racine… …   Wikipedia

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