- Residence, Ecclesiastical
- Residence, Ecclesiastical
• A remaining or abiding where one's duties lie or where one's occupation is properly carried onCatholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Ecclesiastical Residence — Ecclesiastical Residence † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Residence A remaining or abiding where one s duties lie or where one s occupation is properly carried on, as the presence of a bishop in his diocese, a rector or… … Catholic encyclopedia
Ecclesiastical Seminary — Ecclesiastical Seminary † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Seminary I. TERMINOLOGY The word seminary (Fr. séminaire, Ger. Seminar) is sometimes used, especially in Germany, to designate a group of university students devoted … Catholic encyclopedia
Ecclesiastical Courts — Ecclesiastical Courts † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Courts I. JUDICIAL POWER IN THE CHURCH In instituting the Church as a perfect society, distinct from the civil power and entirely independent of it, Christ gave her… … Catholic encyclopedia
Ecclesiastical Judge — Ecclesiastical Judge † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Judge (JUDEX ECCLESIASTICUS) An ecclesiastical person who possesses ecclesiastical jurisdiction either in general or in the strict sense (see JURISDICTION) The official … Catholic encyclopedia
Ecclesiastical Commissioners — were, in England and Wales, a body corporate, whose full title is Ecclesiastical and Church Estates Commissioners for England. The commissioners were authorized to determine the distribution of revenues of the Church of England, and they made… … Wikipedia
Ecclesiastical Judge — An Ecclesiastical Judge (in Latin Judex or Iudex Ecclesiasticus ) is an ecclesiastical person who possesses ecclesiastical jurisdiction either in general or in the strict sense. Catholic canon lawThe official body appointed by the qualified… … Wikipedia
non-residence — Residence beyond the limits of the par ticular jurisdiction. In ecclesiastical law, the absence of spiritual persons from their benefices … Black's law dictionary
non-residence — Residence beyond the limits of the par ticular jurisdiction. In ecclesiastical law, the absence of spiritual persons from their benefices … Black's law dictionary
St. John Fisher Seminary Residence — is the seminary residence for the Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Men between the ages of 18 40 live at the residence while studying philosophy in preparation for theological studies at a seminary outside of the diocese.The seminary has been… … Wikipedia
Cure of Souls — • Technically, the exercise of a clerical office involving the instruction, by sermons and admonitions, and the sanctification, through the sacraments, of the faithful in a determined district, by a person legitimately a ppointed for the purpose… … Catholic encyclopedia