- Reuchlin, Johannes
- Reuchlin, Johannes
• German humanist (1455-1522)
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
REUCHLIN, JOHANNES° — (Capnio, or Phorcensis; 1455–1522), German and Hebraist; one of the architects of the Christian kabbalah and famous as the defender of the Talmud and Jewish scholarship against the attacks of johannes pfefferkorn and the obscurantists. Born in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Reuchlin, Johannes — (1455 1522) Hebraist whose biblical studies aided the Reformation Johannes Reuchlin was born at Pforzheim, Baden, Germany, on February 22, 1455. He studied at Freiburg, Paris, and Basel, where he also taught Greek and Latin. He then studied … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Reuchlin, Johannes — born Feb. 22, 1455, Pforzheim, Württemberg died June 6, 1522, Bad Liebnzell German humanist. After obtaining his law degree in 1481, he held court and judicial posts in Württemberg and its capital, Stuttgart, from the 1480s until 1512. Second… … Universalium
Reuchlin, Johannes — (1455–1522) German Christian humanist. Reuchlin was a professor at the University of Tuebingen in Germany, and a highly respected European scholar. He studied Hebrew and the Cabbala (Jewish mysticism), and published the first authoritative… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
Reuchlin, Johannes — (22 feb. 1455, Pforzheim, Württemberg–6 jun. 1522, Bad Liebnzell). Humanista alemán. Desde la década de 1480 hasta 1512, tras licenciarse en derecho en 1481, ocupó cargos judiciales y en tribunales en Württemberg y su capital, Stuttgart. Sólo… … Enciclopedia Universal
Johannes Reuchlin — Johannes Reuchlin. Detail eines Holzschnitts aus einem Einblattdruck von 1516 Johannes Reuchlin (* 29. Januar 1455[1] in Pforzheim; † 30. Juni 1522 in Stuttgart, auch: Johann Reichlin), gräzisiert Kapnion, Capnio … Deutsch Wikipedia
Reuchlin-Gymnasium Ingolstadt — Schultyp Gymnasium Bundesland Bayern Koordinaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Johannes Reuchlin — Johannes Reuchlin. Johannes Reuchlin (n. el 29 de enero de 1455 en Pforzheim † el 30 de junio de 1522 en Stuttgart, también llamado: Johann Reuchlin) fue un filósofo y humanista alemán profundamente interesado en la Cábala judía. Es conocido como … Wikipedia Español
Johannes Reuchlin — Johannes Reuchlin † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Johannes Reuchlin (Grecized, Capnion). Celebrated German humanist, b. at Pforzheim, Baden, 22 February, 1455; d. at Liebenzell, 30 June, 1522. He studied at Freiburg, Paris, and Basle,… … Catholic encyclopedia
Johannes Vergenhans — Johannes Nauclerus Johannes Nauclerus (* 1425; † 5. Januar 1510 in Tübingen; eigentlich Johannes Vergenhans) war ein deutscher Gelehrter, Jurist, Theologe und Historiker. Als Vertrauter Graf Eberhards im Bart war er nach Gründung der Universität… … Deutsch Wikipedia