- Ring of the Fisherman, The
- Ring of the Fisherman, The
• Ring worn by the popes, with a representation of St. Peter in a boat on itCatholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Fisherman, The Ring of the — • Ring worn by the popes, with a representation of St. Peter in a boat on it Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Ring of the Fisherman — to seal official documents signed by the Pope.A new ring is cast in gold for each Pope. Around the relief image is the reigning Pope s Latin name in raised lettering. During the ceremony of a Papal Coronation or Papal Inauguration, the Dean of… … Wikipedia
ring of the fisherman — a gold papal seal used on documents and placed on the new pope s finger by the cardinal camerlengo. It has a representation of St. Peter fishing in a boat with the new pope s name around it … Dictionary of ichthyology
The Fish and the Ring — is an English fairy tale collected by Joseph Jacobs in English Fairy Tales . This tale has has several parallels in the literature and folklore of various cultures.ynopsisA baron who was a magician learned that his son was fated to marry a girl… … Wikipedia
The Ring of Fisherman — The Ring of the Fisherman † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Ring of the Fisherman The earliest mention of the Fisherman s ring worn by the popes is in a letter of Clement IV written in 1265 to his nephew, Peter Grossi. The writer states… … Catholic encyclopedia
Ring — /ring/, n. a male given name. * * * I Circular band of gold, silver, or other precious or decorative material usually worn on the finger, but sometimes on the toes, the ears, or the nose. The earliest examples were found in the tombs of ancient… … Universalium
The opera corpus — is a list of nearly 2,500 works by more than 775 individual opera composers. Some of the works listed below are still being performed today but many are not. The principal works of the major composers are given as well as those of historical… … Wikipedia
The Birds (film) — The Birds Theatrical release poster Directed by Alfred Hitchcock Produced by … Wikipedia
fisherman's ring — Rom. Cath. Ch. the signet ring worn by the pope. [1720 30] * * * fisherman s ring noun A signet ring, with the device of St Peter fishing, used in signing papal briefs • • • Main Entry: ↑fish * * * fisherman s ring, the Pope s ring, bearing his… … Useful english dictionary
ring — ring1 ringless, adj. ringlike, adj. /ring/, n., v., ringed, ringing. n. 1. a typically circular band of metal or other durable material, esp. one of gold or other precious metal, often set with gems, for wearing on the finger as an ornament, a… … Universalium