Babe - Basi
- Babel
- Babel, Tower of
- Babenstuber, Ludwig
- Babinet, Jacques
- Babylas, Saint
- Babylon
- Babylon (Title)
- Babylonia
- Baccanceld
- Bacchus and Sergius
- Bacchylus
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelot, Alexis John Augustine
- Bachiarius
- Bachmann, Paul
- Backer, Augustin de
- Backx, Peter Hubert Evermode
- Bacon, David William
- Bacon, John
- Bacon, Nathaniel
- Bacon, Roger
- Baconian System of Philosophy
- Baconian System of Philosophy, The
- Badajoz
- Baden
- Badia, Tommaso
- Badin, Stephen Theodore
- Badius, Raphael
- Baegert, John Jacob
- Baert, François
- Bagamoyo
- Bagdad
- Bageis
- Baglioni, Giovanni, Cavaliere
- Bagnorea
- Bagot, Jean
- Bagshaw, Christopher
- Bahama Islands, The
- Bailey, Thomas
- Baillargeon, Charles François