Empi - Euro
- Ernst Deger
- Ernst Friedrich Zwirner
- Ernst Maria Lieber
- Ernst of Hesse-Rheinfels
- Ernst von Lasaulx
- Ernulf
- Errington, William
- Error
- Erskine, Charles
- Erthal, Franz Ludwig von
- Erthal, Friedrich Karl Joseph, Freiherr von
- Erwin of Steinbach
- Erycius Puteanus
- Erythrae
- Erzerum (Theodosiopolis)
- Esau
- Esch, Nicolaus van
- Eschatology
- Escobar y Mendoza, Antonio
- Escobar, Marina de
- Escorial, The
- Esdras
- Esdras (Ezra)
- Esglis, Louis-Philippe Mariauchau d'
- Eskil
- Eskimo
- Esnambuc, Pierre Belain, Sieur d'
- Espejo, Antonio
- Espen, Zeger Bernhard van
- Espence, Claude D'
- Espinel, Vincent
- Espinosa, Alonso De
- Espousals
- Espousals of the Blessed Virgin
- Espousals of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Esprit Flechier
- Essence and Existence
- Essenes
- Est, Willem Hessels van