- Side, Altar
- Side, Altar
• That part of the altar which faces the congregation
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Altar Side — • That part of the altar which faces the congregation Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar Side Altar Side † … Catholic encyclopedia
Altar bell — In the Roman Catholic Church and in some churches of the Anglican Communion, an altar bell is a small bell placed on the credence or in some other convenient place on the epistle side of the altar. Its original intention was to draw the… … Wikipedia
altar — Synonyms and related words: Communion table, altar carpet, altar desk, altar facing, altar of prothesis, altar rail, altar side, altar slab, altar stair, altar stone, altarpiece, ancona, bomos, chancel table, credence, eschara, frontal, gradin,… … Moby Thesaurus
ALTAR — (Heb. מִזְבֵּח, mizbe aḥ, derived from the root zbḥ (זבח), meaning to slaughter (as a sacrifice) ), originally the place where sacrificial slaughter was performed (e.g., the sacrifice of Isaac in Gen. 22). According to biblical law however,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Altar (in Liturgy) — • In the New Law the altar is the table on which the Eucharistic Sacrifice is offered Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar (in Liturgy) Altar (in Liturgy) … Catholic encyclopedia
Altar candle — Altar candles are candles set on or near altars for religious ceremonies. Various denominations have regulations or traditions regarding the number and type of candles used, and when they are lit or extinguished during the services.Altar candles… … Wikipedia
Altar Candlesticks — • Consists of five parts: the foot, the stem, the knob about the middle of the stem, the bowl to receive the drippings of wax, and the pricket, i.e. the sharp point that terminates the stem on which the candle is fixed Catholic Encyclopedia.… … Catholic encyclopedia
Altar Cards — • To assist the memory of the celebrant at Mass in those prayers which he should know by heart, cards on which these prayers are printed are placed on the altar in the middle, and at each end Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar Cards … Catholic encyclopedia
Altar Cloths — • The custom of using three altar cloths began probably in the ninth century, but at present it is of strict obligation for the licit celebration of Mass Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar Cloths Altar Cloths … Catholic encyclopedia
Altar Vessels — • The chalice is the cup in which the wine and water of the Eucharistic Sacrifice is contained Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Altar Vessels Altar Vessels … Catholic encyclopedia