Callistus III, Pope

Callistus III, Pope
Callistus III, Pope
Born near Valencia in Spain, 31 December, 1378; died at Rome, 6 August, 1458

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

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  • Pope Callistus III —     Pope Callistus III     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Callistus III     Born near Valencia in Spain, 31 December, 1378; died at Rome, 6 August, 1458. Alfonso de Borja (Ital. Borgia), as he was known before he became pope, came of a noble… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Callistus III —     Pope Callistus III     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Callistus III     Born near Valencia in Spain, 31 December, 1378; died at Rome, 6 August, 1458. Alfonso de Borja (Ital. Borgia), as he was known before he became pope, came of a noble… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Pope Callistus II —     Pope Callistus II     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Callistus II     Date of birth unknown; died 13 December, 1124. His reign, beginning 1 February, 1119, is signalized by the termination of the Investiture controversy which, begun in the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Callistus II —     Pope Callistus II     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Callistus II     Date of birth unknown; died 13 December, 1124. His reign, beginning 1 February, 1119, is signalized by the termination of the Investiture controversy which, begun in the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Pope Callistus I —     Pope Callistus I     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Callistus I     (Written by most Latins, Augustine, Optatus, etc. CALLIXTUS or CALIXTUS).     Martyr, died c. 223. His contemporary, Julius Africanus, gives the date of his accession as the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Callistus I —     Pope Callistus I     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Callistus I     (Written by most Latins, Augustine, Optatus, etc. CALLIXTUS or CALIXTUS).     Martyr, died c. 223. His contemporary, Julius Africanus, gives the date of his accession as the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Callistus — Callistus, Callixtus (both Latin) and Kallistos (in Greek) may refer to:Popes and antipopes* Saint Callixtus I, pope from about 217 to 222 * Pope Callixtus II, pope from 1119 to 1124 * Antipope Callixtus III, antipope from 1168 to 1178 * Pope… …   Wikipedia

  • pope —     The Pope     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Pope     (Ecclesiastical Latin papa from Greek papas, a variant of pappas father, in classical Latin pappas Juvenal, Satires 6:633).     The title pope, once used with far greater latitude (see below …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Pope Urban I —     Pope Urban I     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Urban I     Reigned 222 30, date of birth unknown; died 23 May, 230. According to the Liber Pontificalis, Urban was a Roman and his father s name was Pontianus. After the death of Callistus I… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Pope St. Zephyrinus —     Pope St. Zephyrinus     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope St. Zephyrinus     (Reigned 198 217).     Date of birth unknown; died 20 Dec., 217. After the death of Pope Victor in 198, Zephyrinus was elected his successor and consecrated. The pope… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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