- Collectarium
- Collectarium
• The book which contains the Collects
- Collectarium
Collectarium† Catholic_Encyclopedia ► Collectarium(Sometimes COLLECTARIUS, COLLECTANEUM, ORATIONALE, CAPITULARE), the book which contains the Collects. In the Proprium de Tempore of the Roman Missal the title Statio, with the name of some saint or mystery, is frequently prefixed to the Introit of the Mass. It signifies that in early times, probably down to the fourteenth century, the clergy and people celebrated on those days the Divine mysteries in the churches dedicated in honour of that saint or mystery. Before going in procession to the statio they assembled in some nearby church to receive the pontiff, who recited a prayer which was called the Collect. This name was given to the prayer either because it was recited for the assembled people, or because it contained the sum and substance of all favours asked by the pontiff for himself and the people, or because in an abridged form it represented the spirit and fruit of the feast or mystery. In course of time it was used to signify the prayers, proper, votive, or prescribed by the ecclesiastical superiors (imperatæ), recited before the Epistle, as well as the Secrets and the Post-Communions. Later it was applied to the prayers said at Divine Office or any liturgical service.ZACCARIA, Bibliotheca Ritualis (Rome, 1776), I; BERNARD, Cours de Liturgie Romaine: La Messe (Paris, 1898), II; VAN DER STAPPEN, Sacra Liturgia (Mechlin, 1902), II; CARPO, Compendiosa Bibliotheca Liturgica (Bologna, 1879); GIHR, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, tr. (St. Louis, Missouri, 1903).A.J. SCHULTETranscribed by Anthony J. Stokes
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat. 1910.
Catholic encyclopedia.