- Cyprian of Carthage, Saint
- Cyprian of Carthage, Saint
• Long article on this bishop and martyr
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
St. Cyprian of Carthage — St. Cyprian of Carthage † Catholic Encyclopedia ► St. Cyprian of Carthage (Thaschus Cæcilius Cyprianus). Bishop and martyr. Of the date of the saint s birth and of his early life nothing is known. At the time of his conversion to… … Catholic encyclopedia
Cyprian von Karthago — Cyprian (* um 200 oder 210 wohl in Karthago; † 14. September 258 ebenda), eigentlich Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus, war Bischof von Karthago und ein bedeutender Kirchenschriftsteller der Alten Kirche. Er wird in der römisch katholischen und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cyprian — Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus Saint Cyprian Icon of Saint Cyprian Bishop and Martyr Born 3rd century AD North Africa Died … Wikipedia
Cyprian, Saint — Latin Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus born с 200, Carthage died Sept. 14, 258, Carthage; Western and Eastern feast day September 16; Anglican feast day September 26 Early Christian theologian and Church Father. He converted to Christianity с 246 and … Universalium
Cyprian — (c. 200–58) Saint and Bishop. Cyprian was born in Carthage, North Africa. He was converted to Christianity in 246 and was consecrated Bishop of Carthage in 248. He quickly came into conflict with clergy in his diocese over the question of… … Who’s Who in Christianity
Cyprian and Justina — Saints Cyprian and Justina The martyrdom of Cyprian and Justina Martyrs Born 3rd century AD Died September 26, 304 … Wikipedia
saint — Synonyms and related words: Ambrose of Milan, Athanasius, Barnabas, Basil, Christian, Clement of Alexandria, Clement of Rome, Cyprian of Carthage, Cyril of Jerusalem, God fearing man, Gregory of Nyssa, Hermas, Ignatius, Irenaeus, Jerome, John,… … Moby Thesaurus
Cyprian (disambiguation) — Cyprian can refer to: A synonym for Cypriot, someone or thing from Cyprus The Cyprian, an epithet for Aphrodite, because of her association with Cyprus St. Cyprian (Kyprianos), bishop of Carthage Cyprian, Metropolitan of Moscow St. Cyprian of… … Wikipedia
Cyprian — Cyprian1 [sip′rē ən] adj. [< L Cyprius < Gr Kyprios, after Kypros, CYPRUS + AN] 1. CYPRIOT (adj. ) 2. Archaic wanton; licentious: in reference to the worship of Aphrodite in Cyprus in ancient times n … English World dictionary
Saint Optatus — Infobox Saint name= Saint Optatus birth date= death date=4th century feast day= June 4 venerated in= Roman Catholic Church imagesize= caption= birth place= death place= titles= beatified date= beatified place= beatified by= canonized date=… … Wikipedia