Discipline, Ecclesiastical

Discipline, Ecclesiastical
Discipline, Ecclesiastical
Various meanings discussed

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • Ecclesiastical Discipline —     Ecclesiastical Discipline     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Discipline     Etymologically the word discipline signifies the formation of one who places himself at school and under the direction of a master. All Christians are the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • ecclesiastical — /əkliziˈæstəkəl / (say uhkleezee astuhkuhl) adjective of or relating to a religious organisation, especially the Christian church or the clergy; churchly; clerical; not secular; not lay: ecclesiastical discipline; ecclesiastical affairs;… …  

  • Ecclesiastical Seminary —     Ecclesiastical Seminary     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Seminary     I. TERMINOLOGY     The word seminary (Fr. séminaire, Ger. Seminar) is sometimes used, especially in Germany, to designate a group of university students devoted …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical Courts —     Ecclesiastical Courts     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Courts     I. JUDICIAL POWER IN THE CHURCH     In instituting the Church as a perfect society, distinct from the civil power and entirely independent of it, Christ gave her… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical Censures —     Ecclesiastical Censures     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Censures     Medicinal and spiritual punishments imposed by the Church on a baptized, delinquent, and contumacious person, by which he is deprived, either wholly of in part …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical Canons —     Ecclesiastical Canons     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Canons     Ecclesiastical Canons are certain rules or norms of conduct or belief prescribed by the Church. The name is derived from the Greek kanon, the instrument used by… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Ecclesiastical — Ec*cle si*as tic*al, a. [See {Ecclesiastical}, a.] Of or pertaining to the church; relating to the organization or government of the church; not secular; as, ecclesiastical affairs or history; ecclesiastical courts. [1913 Webster] Every… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ecclesiastical commissioners for England — Ecclesiastical Ec*cle si*as tic*al, a. [See {Ecclesiastical}, a.] Of or pertaining to the church; relating to the organization or government of the church; not secular; as, ecclesiastical affairs or history; ecclesiastical courts. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ecclesiastical courts — Ecclesiastical Ec*cle si*as tic*al, a. [See {Ecclesiastical}, a.] Of or pertaining to the church; relating to the organization or government of the church; not secular; as, ecclesiastical affairs or history; ecclesiastical courts. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ecclesiastical law — Ecclesiastical Ec*cle si*as tic*al, a. [See {Ecclesiastical}, a.] Of or pertaining to the church; relating to the organization or government of the church; not secular; as, ecclesiastical affairs or history; ecclesiastical courts. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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