- Jerusalem, Liturgy of
- Jerusalem, Liturgy of
• The Rite of Jerusalem is that of Antioch
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Liturgy of Jerusalem — • The Rite of Jerusalem is that of Antioch Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Liturgy of Jerusalem Liturgy of Jerusalem … Catholic encyclopedia
Liturgy — • A Greek composite word meaning originally a public duty, a service to the state undertaken by a citizen Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Liturgy Liturgy … Catholic encyclopedia
Liturgy of St James — Orthodox bishop, holding his paterissa (crozier), presiding over a celebraton of the Liturgy of St. James in in Düsseldorf, Germany. The Liturgy of Saint James is the oldest complete form of the Eastern varieties of the Divine Liturgy still in… … Wikipedia
LITURGY — has conventionally been understood as the words that Jews recite in public worship. While written words are almost all that remains from earlier times, the study of liturgy today understands that the ways that these words are performed shapes… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Liturgy of the Mass — Liturgy of the Mass † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Liturgy of the Mass A. Name and Definition The Mass is the complex of prayers and ceremonies that make up the service of the Eucharist in the Latin rites. As in the case of all… … Catholic encyclopedia
Liturgy of the Hours — in a monastery of Carthusian nuns. This article refers to the Liturgy of the Hours as a specific manifestation of the public prayer of the Catholic Church. For its application in other communions, see canonical hours. The Liturgy of the Hours… … Wikipedia
Jerusalem (After 1291) — Jerusalem (After 1291) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Jerusalem (After 1291) (1) Political History The Latin dominion over Jerusalem really came to an end on 2 October, 1187, when the city opened its gates to Saladin (Yusuf ibn Ayyub … Catholic encyclopedia
Jerusalem (A.D. 71-1099) — Jerusalem (A.D. 71 1099) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Jerusalem (A.D. 71 1099) I. TO THE TIME OF CONSTANTINE (71 312) When Titus took Jerusalem (April September, A.D. 70) he ordered his soldiers to destroy the city (Josephus, De… … Catholic encyclopedia
Jerusalem during the Mamluk period — Jerusalem was under the Mamluk rule from 1260 to 1516. This period coincides with the history of the city s years of Mamluk rule in Israel. Mamluk Jerusalem was a city strategically marginal, politically and economically, yet high religious… … Wikipedia
Jerusalem's Church — Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel (1944/45) Jerusalemskirche (de) Kirche zu den Erzengeln Michael und Gabriel (1944/45) Jerusalem s Church in 1906, seen from south (Lindenstraße), view into Jerusalemer Straße with Lindenstr. continuing … Wikipedia