
A name applied to Our Lord in the New Testament

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Nazarene
    (Nazarenos, Nazarenus).
    As a name applied to Christ, the word Nazarene occurs only once in the Douai Version, viz. in Matt., ii, 23, where the Vulgate reading is Nazaroeus (Nazoraios). Elsewhere (Matt., xxvi, 71; Mark, i, 24; x, 47; xiv, 67; Luke, iv, 34; John, xvii, 5; Acts, ii, 22 etc.) Jesus Nazarenus is uniformly translated "Jesus of Nazareth". In Acts, xxiv, 5 the Christians are spoken of by Tertullus as "the sect of the Nazarenes". The name has obvious reference to Nazareth, the early home of the Saviour, and it is applied to Him in the Gospels only by those who are outside the circle of His intimate friends. In the Acts, however, it is employed by St. Peter and St. Paul, and by the risen Lord Himself, according to Paul's account of his conversion given to the multitude of angry Jews who had attacked him in the Temple (Acts, xxii, 8). In Matt., ii, 23 we read that "coming he dwelt in a city said by the prophets: That he shall be called a Nazarene". No explicit prediction to this effect is found in the recorded Old Testament prophecies, and various theories have been advanced to explain the reference. Some would connect the passage with the netzer (flower) of Is., xi, 1; others with the netzure (dregs, Douai) of Is., xlix, 6, but these interpretations seem far-fetched, to say nothing of other difficulties. That the quality of Nazarite is alluded to by the Evangelist is disapproved by the fact that Christ was not a Nazarite, nor is the theory that reference is here made to some lost or merely traditional prophecy supported by any positive proof. No more plausible explanation has been found that the one given by St. Jerome in his "Commentary on St. Matthew", viz. that the mention of the "prophets" in the plural precludes references to any single passage, and points rather to the general predictions that the Messias would be despised (cf. John, i, 46).
    Transcribed by Christine J. Murray

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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  • Nazarene — may refer to: Nazarene (title), a title applied to Jesus of Nazareth Nazarene (sect), a sect of 4th century Christianity described by Epiphanius Church of the Nazarene, modern Christian Pentecostal denomination Apostolic Christian Church… …   Wikipedia

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  • Nazarene — (n.) c.1200, holy man; early 13c., a native or resident of NAZARETH (Cf. Nazareth), childhood home of Jesus, from L.L. Nazarenus, from Gk. Nazarenos, from Heb. Natzerath. As an adjective from late 13c. As a follower of Jesus from late 14c. In… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Nazarene — Naz a*rene , prop. n. [L. Nazarenus, Gr. ?, fr. ? Nazareth.] 1. A native or inhabitant of Nazareth; a term of contempt applied to Christ and the early Christians. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eccl. Hist.) One of a sect of Judaizing Christians in the first… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Nazarene — /naz euh reen , naz euh reen /, n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Nazareth. 2. a member of a sect of early Jewish converts to Christianity who retained the Mosaic ritual. 3. the Nazarene, Jesus Christ. adj. 4. of or pertaining to Nazareth or the… …   Universalium

  • Nazarene — noun Etymology: Middle English Nazaren, from Late Latin Nazarenus, from Greek Nazarēnos, from Nazareth Nazareth, Palestine Date: 13th century 1. a native or resident of Nazareth 2. a. Christian 1a b. a member of the Church of the Nazarene that is …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Nazarene — 1. adjective a) Of or pertaining to Nazareth or its people. b) Of or relating to the Church of the Nazarene. 2. noun a) A person from Nazareth. b) (κατ εξοχήν) …   Wiktionary

  • Nazarene —    This epithet (Gr. Nazaraios) is applied to Christ only once (Matt. 2:23). In all other cases the word is rendered of Nazareth (Mark 1:24; 10:47; 14:67, etc.). When this Greek designation was at first applied to our Lord, it was meant simply to …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

  • Nazarene — [ nazəri:n, ˌnazə ri:n] noun 1》 a native or inhabitant of Nazareth.     ↘(the Nazarene) Jesus Christ.     ↘(chiefly in Jewish or Muslim use) a Christian.     ↘a member of an early sect or faction of Jewish Christians. 2》 a member of a group of… …   English new terms dictionary

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