
Titular see in Cappadocia Secunda, suffragan of Mocessus.

Catholic Encyclopedia. . 2006.

     Catholic_Encyclopedia Parnassus
    A titular see in Cappadocia Secunda, suffragan of Mocessus. Situated between Ancyra and Archelais, it was formerly important. Another route led to Nyssa. It is mentioned by Polybius (XXV, iv) and the Itineraries; in the sixth century by Hierocles, "Synecdemus" (700, 7). Hamilton places it at Kotch Hissar, near Touz Gheul (ancient Lake Tatta), vilayet of Angora; Ramsay (Asia Minor, 298), north-east of this lake on the left bank of Kizil Irmak (ancient Halys), near Tchikin Aghyl. The see first depended on Cæsarea; under Valens it passed to Cappadocia Secunda; and about 536 was made suffragan of Mocessus. The "Notitiæ Episcopatuum" mention it in the thirteenth century. Le Quien (Oriens christianus, I, 415) mentions nine bishops: Pancratius, at the Arian ( see Arianism ) Council of Philippopolis, 344; Hypsius, replaced by the Arian ( see Arianism ) Ecdicius in the time of St. Basil; Olympius, at the Council of Constantinople, 381; Eustathius, at Ephesus, 341, deposed as a Nestorian, retracted, assisted at Constantinople (448) and Chalcedon (451); and signed in 458 the letter of the bishops of Cappadocia Secunda to the Emperor Leo; Pelagius, at Constantinople, 538; Eustathius, at the Council "in Trullo", 692; Stephanus, at Nicæa, 787; and Theognostus, at Constantinople, 869.
    Transcribed by Douglas J. Potter Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company. . 1910.

Catholic encyclopedia.

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