- Quierzy, Councils of
- Quierzy, Councils of
• Series of five councils held in a French village between 838 and 858
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Councils of Quierzy — Councils of Quierzy † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Councils of Quierzy (Kierzy, Carisiacum) Several councils were held at Quierzy, a royal residence under the Carlovingians, but now an insignificant village on the Oise in the French… … Catholic encyclopedia
Councils of Quierzy — Several councils were held at Quierzy, a royal residence under the Carolingians, but now an insignificant village on the Oise in the French Department of Aisne in Picardy. The synod of September 838,[1] ordered the monks of the abbey of Saint… … Wikipedia
Quierzy — French commune nomcommune=Quierzy région=Picardie département=Aisne arrondissement=Laon canton=Coucy le Château Auffrique insee=02631 cp=02300 maire=Olivier Timmerman mandat=2001 2008 intercomm= longitude=3.14416666667 latitude=49.5713888889 alt… … Wikipedia
Concile — Un concile (du latin concilium, assemblée), ou synode (du grec sun odos = chemin commun), est une assemblée d évêques de l Église catholique (romaine ou non) ou orthodoxe. Il manifeste une dimension essentielle de toute Église chrétienne :… … Wikipédia en Français
Hincmar — (806 ndash;December 21, 882), archbishop of Reims, one of the most remarkable figures in the ecclesiastical history of the Carolingian period. He belonged to a noble family of the north or north east of Gaul.Early lifeDestined to the monastic… … Wikipedia
Gottschalk (theologian) — Gottschalk (Gotteschalchus) (c. 808 ndash; October 30, 867?), a theologian, was born near Mainz, and was given to the monastic life ( oblatus ) from infancy by his parents. His father was a Saxon, Count Bern.He was trained at the monastery of… … Wikipedia
Redemption — • The restoration of man from the bondage of sin to the liberty of the children of God through the satisfactions and merits of Christ Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Redemption Redemption … Catholic encyclopedia
The Franks — The Franks † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Franks The Franks were a confederation formed in Western Germany of a certain number of ancient barbarian tribes who occupied the right shore of the Rhine from Mainz to the sea. Their name is… … Catholic encyclopedia