- Archæology, Christian
- Archæology, Christian
• That branch of the science which is the study of ancient Christian monuments
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Christian Archæology — • That branch of the science which is the study of ancient Christian monuments Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Archæology, The Commission of Sacred — • Founded in the middle of the nineteenth century for the purpose of promoting and directing excavations in the Roman Catacombs and on other sites of Christian antiquarian interest Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Christian cross — A reliquary in the form of an ornate Christian Cross The Christian cross, seen as a representation of the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, is the best known religious symbol of Christianity.[1] … Wikipedia
Early Christian Inscriptions — Early Christian Inscriptions † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Early Christian Inscriptions Inscriptions of Christian origin form, as non literary remains, a valuable source of information on the development of Christian thought and life in… … Catholic encyclopedia
Cross in Christian Art — The cross, with reference to Christ s passion event, is not found in Christian art in the first centuries. Death by crucifixion was infinitely more painful and degrading than is hanging or electrocution. During the first Christian centuries, the… … Wikipedia
Early Christian inscriptions — form, as non literary remains, a valuable source of information on the development of Christian thought and life in the early Church. They may be divided into three main classes: sepulchral inscriptions, epigraphic records, and inscriptions… … Wikipedia
Archaeology of the Cross and Crucifix — Archæology of the Cross and Crucifix † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Archæology of the Cross and Crucifix I. PRIMITIVE CRUCIFORM SIGNS The sign of the cross, represented in its simplest form by a crossing of two lines at right angles,… … Catholic encyclopedia
Archaeology — The Commission of Sacred Archæology † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Commission of Sacred Archæology An official pontifical board founded in the middle of the nineteenth century for the purpose of promoting and directing excavations in… … Catholic encyclopedia
Egypt — • Provides information on history, religion, and literature Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Egypt Egypt † … Catholic encyclopedia
Church History — Ecclesiastical History † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical History I. NATURE AND OFFICE Ecclesiastical history is the scientific investigation and the methodical description of the temporal development of the Church… … Catholic encyclopedia