Ritu - S.C.
- Romanos, Saint
- Romans, Epistle to the
- Romanus
- Romanus, Pope
- Romanus, Saints
- Rome
- Rome, University of
- Romero, Juan
- Romuald, Saint
- Romulus Augustulus
- Ronan, Saint
- Ronsard, Pierre de
- Rood
- Roothaan, Johann Philipp
- Roper, William
- Rorate Coeli
- Rosa, Salvatore
- Rosalia, Saint
- Rosary, Breviary Hymns of the
- Rosary, Confraternity of the
- Rosary, Feast of the Holy
- Rosary, Seraphic
- Rosary, The
- Rosate, Alberico de
- Roscelin
- Roscommon
- Rose of Lima, Saint
- Rose of Viterbo, Saint
- Rose Whitty
- Rose Window
- Rosea
- Roseau
- Rosecrans, William Starke
- Roseline, Saint
- Rosenau
- Rosh Hashanah
- Rosicrucians
- Roskilde, Ancient See of, in Denmark
- Roskoványi, August
- Rosmini and Rosminianism