- Missions, Catholic
- Missions, Catholic
• A general survey of the missionary activity of the Catholic Church at the time the article was written (1908)Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006.
Catholic encyclopedia.
Missions, Catholic Indian, of Canada — • History of the missions Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Missions, Catholic Indian, of the United States — • Includes the history of the missions and a list of the missionary martyrs Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Missions, Catholic Parochial — • This term is used to designate certain special exertions of the Church s pastoral agencies, made, for the most part, among Catholics, to instruct them more fully in the truths of their religion, to convert sinners, rouse the torpid and… … Catholic encyclopedia
Parochial Missions, Catholic — • This term is used to designate certain special exertions of the Church s pastoral agencies, made, for the most part, among Catholics, to instruct them more fully in the truths of their religion, to convert sinners, rouse the torpid and… … Catholic encyclopedia
Catholic Missions — Catholic Missions † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Catholic Missions The history of Catholic missions would necessarily begin with the missionary labours of Christ, and would cover a very considerable portion of the history of the Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
Catholic Parochial Missions — Catholic Parochial Missions † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Catholic Parochial Missions This term is used to designate certain special exertions of the Church s pastoral agencies, made, for the most part, among Catholics, to instruct them… … Catholic encyclopedia
Catholic Indian Missions of the United States — Catholic Indian Missions of the United States † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Catholic Indian Missions of the United States The spiritual welfare of the native tribes of America was a subject of deep concern to the Governments of Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia
Catholic Indian Missions of Canada — Catholic Indian Missions of Canada † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Catholic Indian Missions of Canada The French discoverers of Canada did not fail to impress the aborigines they met with a vague idea of the religion they professed. Thus,… … Catholic encyclopedia
Catholic Missionary Union — • The corporate name of a society whose directors are chosen from among the bishops of the United States, the seminaries, the parishes and the missionary organizations of that country, its purpose being to engage priests and lay men as… … Catholic encyclopedia
Catholic Directories — Catholic Directories † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Catholic Directories The ecclesiastical sense of the word directory, as will be shown later, has become curiously confused with its secular use, but historically speaking the… … Catholic encyclopedia